Lynx: The Forest Hunter

The lynx is a medium-sized wild cat found mainly in cold forests, mountains and snow-covered regions. It is distinguished by thick fur, short tail, large paws, and black tufts covering the ears. It is a silent hunter which attacks its prey quickly and accurately.


There are 4 main species of lynx:

Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx): The largest species found in Europe, Russia and Central Asia.
Canadian Lynx (Lynx canadensis): It is found in Canada and Alaska and is adapted to survive in snowy areas.
Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus): This is a rare and endangered lynx of Spain and Portugal.
Bobcat (Lynx rufus): The smallest species, which lives mainly in the USA and Mexico.

Size & Body:

Size: 65–110 cm (2–3.5 feet) length.
Weight: 8–30 kg (18–66 lbs), depending on species.
Fur: ​​Thick and soft, color ranges from gray to reddish-brown.
Tail: Short and black-tipped.
Ears: Pointed and have black tufts above which improve the ability to hear.
Paws: Big and furry that help in walking easily in the snow.


The lynx lives in manly cold forested areas such as:

Lynx is found in cold and forested regions of the world. They are adapted to survive in dense forests, mountains, grasslands and snowy areas. Each species has a different habitat, which depends on their hunting strategy, body structure and fur color.

Lynx SpeciesHabitat TypeMain LocationTemperature RangeMain Food Source
Eurasian LynxDense forests, taiga, mountainsEurope, Russia, Himalayas-30°C to +20°CDeer, rabbits, rodents
Canadian LynxBoreal forests, snow-covered areasCanada, Alaska, Northern USA-40°C to +15°CSnowshoe Hare, rodents
Iberian LynxDry forests, shrublands, grasslandsSpain, Portugal-5°C to +35°CRabbits, rodents
BobcatForests, grasslands, deserts, swampsUSA, Mexico, Southern Canada-10°C to +40°CRodents, rabbits, birds

Hunting & Diet:

The lynx is a carnivore that mainly hunts:

Hares & Rabbits: The Canadian Lynx depends mostly on snowshoe hares.
Rodents & Birds: It also eats rats and birds.
Deer & Livestock: Big species sometimes prey on young deer and goats. It is expert in hunting silently and uses ambush attack.


Lynx can see 6 times better at night than humans. The structure of his eyes is perfect for night vision. The Canadian Lynx can walk in the snow without getting stuck. Its big, furry paws work like snowshoes. It can jump up to 4-5 meters (can catch a deer in a single jump). Lynx can run completely without sound
The color of its fur blends perfectly with the environment.