Black-Footed Cat: It is small hunter cat

The Black-footed cat is one of the smallest and most dangerous wild cats in the world. It is mostly found in the grasslands and desert areas of South Africa, Namibia and Botswana.The Black-footed cat is one of the smallest wild cats in the world, but its attitude is like the queen of a big jungle! He is not only expert in hunting skills, but can also be very aggressive. Well, let’s explore more details about it.

Black Forest Cat

Size Weight & Body:

Length: 35-50 cm (without tail) Tail Length: 13-20 cm Height: up to 25 cm Weight: 1-2.5 kg (Male is usually heavier) Fur: ​​Light brown or sandy in color, with dark spots that serve as camouflage. Feet: Its paw pads and soles are completely black, hence the name Black-Footed Cat.


It mostly lives in dry grasslands, deserts, and shrublands. It is found in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe. It does not make burrows itself, but lives in the burrows of aardvark and porcupine chicks.

Black Footed

Hunting & Ability

She hunts at night and is a solitary hunter, that is, she likes to hunt alone. He is a very efficient hunter, and is capable of hunting 10-14 small birds in a night! It can eat up to 20% of its body weight in a day, which is more than any wild cat! It mainly eats small rodents, small birds, insects, and lizards.

The hunting success rate of the black-footed cat is more than 60%, which is double that of the lion (30%) and cheetah (40%)! These 3 different hunting techniques are used: Fast hunting: Attack by sneaking up quickly. Slow stalking: Approaching from too far and making a sudden jump. Ambush attack: To lie quietly in a hiding place and wait for the prey. They are very territorial and can even be aggressive to defend their place. The territory of males is up to 20 km², while that of females is smaller. It is mostly a night owl, that is, it is active only at night and sleeps during the day. It is possible to store a lot of food in one day, thus saving energy.