Canadian Lynx Hunter Snowy Forest

The Canadian Lynx is a medium-sized wild cat found mostly in the sparse forests of Canada, Alaska and the Northern USA. It is an expert hunter, relying mostly on snowshoe hare.

Canadian Lynx Snow

Size & Length:
Size: Its size is 76-110 cm long, weight is 8-17 kg. Fur: ​​Very thick and soft, which becomes even thicker in winter. Its color is gray or brownish. Ears: Long and pointed ears have black tufts above them which improve hearing ability. Tail: It is short but has a black tip at the end. Paws: Its large and furry paws act as natural snowshoes, keeping it from sinking in snow.

Habitat & Diet:
This is most of found in the dense forests of Canada and Alaska. In USA it is also found in the snowy areas of Montana, Washington, and Maine. They like to live in coniferous forests. diet is snowshoe hare (Snowy Rabbit).Sometimes rats, chicks scream and even eat deer leftovers. It hunts in stealth mode – remains quiet, and then makes a tail attack!

Canadian Lynx Snowy hunter

he is an ambush hunter – that is, he quietly approaches her prey and makes a jump with her tail.
he is more active at night because her night vision is very strong. Snowshoe hares are more active on rainy days or after snow falls, so lynx also hunt more then.