Iberian Lynx: Rare specie in wild cats

The Iberian lynx is a wild cat found only in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal). It is one of the most rare or endangered big cats in the world. Its population is now gradually declining due to conservation efforts. The Iberian lynx is one of four lynx species in the world. the remaining three are: Eurasian Lynx – Largest and most widespread. Canada Lynx (Lynx canadensis) – Found in snowy forests. Bobcat (Lynx Rufus) – found in North America.

Iberian Lynx

Size & Body:

Size: Medium-sized cat, smaller than the Eurasian lynx. Weight: The weight of males is 12-15 kg, that of females is 9-12 kg. Length: Body length is 85-110 cm, and the tail is 12-30 cm. Fur: ​​Yellowish-brown colored fur with black spots. long legs and short tail. Tufts on ears whisker-like fur around the face that is its identity.

Habitats & Diet Hunting:

Habitats: The Iberian lynx is found in the Mediterranean forests and scrublands of Spain and Portugal. It likes areas with a mix of dense trees and open spaces.
Diet & Hunting: Favorite Food: 80-90% diet depends on rabbits. Other Prey: Sometimes eats rodents, birds, and small deer. Hunting Style: It uses stealth and ambush. His vision and hearing are very sharp.

Iberian Lynx Cat

Solitary (Living Alone): It lives alone except during the mating season. Territorial: Males mark their territory of 10-20 square km. Nocturnal: Most active in the morning and evening.

Lynx Protection & Threats:

Habitat Loss: Jungles are being destroyed animals & other species are effected in this situation. Rabbit Population Down: Food is becoming less due to decrease in the number of rabbits. Road Accidents: Many lynxes have died after colliding with vehicles. Illegal Hunting: There is also risk of poaching and traps.

Protected Areas: National parks and sanctuaries have been created. Laws and Awareness: Strict laws have been made and people are being educated.